REUSABLE LEARNING OBJECTs Fundamental mathematics Algebra Calculus Difference and differential equations Geometry Multivariable calculus Numerical analysis Optimisation Probability and statistics History of mathematics
On creative mathematical problems at school
Linear cyclic systems
Using knowledge of planimetry for solving some systems of algebraic equations
Solving algebraic equations rationally
Solving problems using substitutions
Application of the derivative for proving identities, inequalities and solving equations
Function limits
Matrices and systems
Elementary row operations
Row echelon rows
System of linear equations
Gauss method for Systems of linear equations
Gauss and Jordan elimination methods
Dijkstra algorithm for finding the shortest paths in a graph
Matrices, Determinants, Systems of Linear Equations
What is a sequence?
Bounded Sequences
Increasing and Decreasing Sequences
Converging and Diverging Sequences
Some Basic Properties of Sequences
Calculating the Limit of a Sequence
What is a Series
Understanding Sigma Notation
The Sn Notation
Converging and Diverging Series
Application of Series - Estimating the square root of a number
Functions of a real Variable
Limits and Continuity
Properties of Continuous Functions, Asymptotes of Graphs, Derivatives
Rules of Differentiation, Derivatives of Elementary Functions, Differential
L'Hospital's Rule, Monotonicity, Local Extrema
Global Extrema, Convexity and Concavity, Investigation of the Behaviour of a Function
Indefinite Integrals, Integration by Parts, The Substitution Method
Integration of Some Rational, Irrational and Trigonometric Functions
Difference equations - basic definitions and properties
Differential Equations of the 1st order
Linear Second Order Homogeneous Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients
Linear Second Order Non-homogeneous Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients
Cartesian coordinates
Polar coordinates
Cylindrical coordinates
Spherical coordinates
Homogeneous coordinates
Geometric transformations
Euclidean transformations in the plane
Euclidean transformations in the space
Composite Euclidean transformations in the space
Affine transformations
Axial affinity
Projective transformations
Central collineation
Matrices of transformations
Creative space
Monge method
Orthogonal axonometry
Matrices of projection methods
Superposition of geometric figures
Metric problems in projection methods
Views of planar figures in projection methods
Curves in the extended Euclidean space
Curves in plane
Curves in space
Approximation and interpolation curves
Surfaces in the extended Euclidean space
Translation surfaces - theory
Homothetical surfaces - theory
Prismatic and pyramidal surfaces - views
Cylindrical and conical surfaces - views
Intersection points of lines and surfaces - views
Developable surfaces - theory
Surfaces of revolution - theory
Special types of surfaces of revolution - theory
Quadratic surfaces of revolution - theory
Helical surfaces - theory
Envelope surfaces - theory
Intersections of surfaces - theory
Intersections of elementary surfaces - views
Notes on Geometry of Elementary Solid Cells
In-homogeneous Bezier Solid Cells
One-Parametric Deformations of Solids
Free-Form Deformations of Solid Cells
Limit and Continuity
Vector algebra
Functions of Two and More Variables, Domains of Definition, Graphs, Limits
Continuity, Partial Derivatives of Functions of Two Variables, Total Dierentials, Tangent Planes
Local, Constrained and Global Extrema for Functions of Two Variables
Double Integrals, Basic Properties, Fubini´s Theorems
Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates
Triple Integrals, Basic Properties, Fubini´s Theorems
Triple Integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates
Basic notions: numerical methods, modeling, types of errors, correctness, stability
Introduction to numerical solving of algebraic equations
Function approximation (by Lagrange's interpolation polynomial)
Least square method
Spline interpolation
Solving systems of linear equations - exact methods. Gauss's method (Gauss's elimination)
Gauss-Jordan method
Calculating determinants
Matrix inversion
Preparation of
system of linear algebraic equations with positive defined matrix in order to apply the iterative approximation method
Bisection method for solving equations with a single unknown
Power method for solving the partial eigenvalue problem
Jacobi's method (method of rotation)
Numerical differentiation
Numerical integration (Newton-Cotes quadrature formulas)
of coefficient instability of the Gauss elimination method for solving linear system of algebraic equations
Gauss-Zeidel method
Method of simple
iteration for solving systems of linear algebraic equations (Jacobi method)
sweep method for tri-diagonal system of linear equations (Thompson's method)
Method of consecutive iterations for solving nonlinear algebraic equations
Introduction to the numerical integration
Euler method for numerical
solving of ordinary differential equations and systems
Modified Euler method
Euler-Cauchy method
Euler's Method for ordinary differential equations using Mathematica
Modified Euler's method for ordinary difference
Euler's-Cauchy Method using Mathematica
Euler's Method for systems of ordinary differential equations using Mathematica
Mesh method for solving boundary value problem of the mixed type using Mathematica
Two-order Runge-Kutta Method using Mathematica
Two-order Runge-Kutta Method for systems of ordinary differential equations using Mathematica
Fourth-order Runge-Kutta Method using Mathematica
Fourth-order Runge-Kutta Method using Mathematica
Optimising the Parameters of Polarised Electromagnetic Construction Using Mathematica
Examples on Variational Methods for Solving Boundary Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) of the Second Order (Galerkin and Ritz methods)
Some more about the systems of linear equations
The square root method
Solving systems of linear equations - approximate methods
Introduction to finite difference method for solving partial differential equations
Finite difference method for solving PDE of parabolic type
Examples for finite difference method for solving PDE of parabolic type
Basic concepts in mathematical optimization
Elements of dynamical optimization - basic notions
Graphs, definitions, representations
Network planning (problem of finding the shortest and longest path in a network)
One-dimensional resource distribution problem. Bellman's functional equations
Bellman's optimality principle
Bellman-Ford algorithm
Dijkstra algorithm for finding the shortest paths in a graph
How the Greeks might have
discovered and approximate irrational numbers
Development of the School of Mathematics in Cluj-Kolozsvár-Klausenburg (1872-1919)