1. Cylindrical helix

Cylindrical helical movement is the class of geometric transformations composed from the class of revolutions about the axis o and the class of translations in the direction of the vector collinear to the axis of revolution o.

Synthetic representation:      (A, TS(u))

Analytic representation:

Rectification of the length of one pitch of the cylindrical helix (Fig. 3.25)

Direction conical surface to the helix is the conical surface of revolution, lines of which are parallel to the tangents to the helix, vertex is ther point W on the axis of the helix and the basic circle with the radius a (radius of the helix) is located in the plane r perpendicular to the ais of the helix. Distance of the vertex and the plane of the basic circle equals to the reduced pitch of the helix v0=|Wr|.
Tangent planes to the direction conical surface are parallel to the helix osculati
ng planes.
Construction of the moving Frenet - Serret trihedron in the given point BS located on the clock-wise helix is on the Fig. 3.26. Let the axis o of the helix be parallel to the coordinate axis z.
The ground view of the helix is the circle
s1 with the centre in the point o1 (ground view of the helix axis o) and radius of the helix radius a. Patch of the direction conical surface to the helix is projected in the ground view to the disc with the boundary circle k1=s1 of the radius a.
Front view of the direction conical surface patch is the triangle with one vertex
W2 on the axis o2 , |W2x1,2|=v0 .
Let us construct the osculating plane w in the point BS on the helix.
Rplane is determined by the tangent t to the helix in the point BS (slope line of the first frame forming the slope - angle of the plane w and the ground image plane p - slope j of the helix ) and normal n (principle line of the first plane perpendicular to the tangent).
t to the helix can be constructed with respect to the parallel line l located on the direction conical surface of the helix and passing through the vertex W.
Binormal b to the helix s is perpendicular to the osculating plane w, rectification plane r is perpendicular to the ground image plane.

2. Conical helix

Conical helical movement is a class of geometric transformations composed from the class of revolution about the axis o (axis of the movement) and a class of scalings to the centre V located on the given axis o, with the coefficient h=1. Conical helix is the curve located on the coniucal surface of revolution with the axis in the axis of the conical helical movement, vertex V located on the axis of the movement and basic circle with the radius a located in the plane perpendicular to the axis of the movement. 3. Spherical helix

Spherical helical movement is the class of geometric transformations composed from the two classes of revolutions about the axes 1o, 2o perpendicular to each other. 4. Viviani curve (Fig. 3.29)

Viviani curve is the space curve created by the movememnt of the point, which is the composition of two classes of revolutions about the axis 1o, 2o perpendicular to each other.