PROBLEMs Fundamental mathematics Calculus Difference and differential equations Geometry Multivariable calculus Numerical analysis Optimisation Probability and statistics History of mathematics
Problems on Mathematica system
Test 6
Test 21
Test 31
Test 35
Example and Problems in Differentiation
Example and Problems in Integration
Polar coordinates from Cartesian coordinates
Cartesian coordinates from polar coordinates
Cylindrical coordinates from Cartesian coordinates
Cartesian coordinates from cylindrical coordinates
Spherical coordinates from Cartesian coordinates
Cartesian coordinates from spherical coordinates
Homegeneous coordinates from Cartesian coordinates
Cartesian coordinates from homogeneous coordinates
Problems in multivariable functions 1
Problems in multivariable functions 2
Problems in Differentiation
Problems in Multiple Integrals 1
Problems in Multiple Integrals 2
Problems in Multiple Integrals 3
Extrema problems 1
Extrema problems 2
Extrema problems, applications
Problems in Vector Fields
Problems in Multivariable Analysis
Problems in Integral on Surfaces
Problems in Limit and Continuity
Problems on numerical solving of tri-diagonal matrices
Problems on spline interpolation
Problems on least squares method
Problems on numerical methods for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices
Problems for exercise - Gauss's method for systems of linear equations
Problems for exercise - Gauss-Jordan method for systems of linear algebraic equations
Problems on iterative methods for solving systems of linear algebraic equations
Problems for exercise - numerical methods for matrix inversion
Problems on solving equations with one unknown variable
Problems on numerical integration
Problems on interpolation
Problems on numerical differentiation
Problems on the square root method for systems of linear algebraic equations
Tasks for individual work on the subject of Variational methods for solving boundary problems for ordinary differential equations (ODE) of the second order
Models and examples in linear optimization - example 1
Models and examples in linear optimization - example 2
Models and examples in mathematical optimization Transportation model - example 3
Models and examples in mathematical optimization Transportation model - example 4
Problems on dynamic optimisation
Deep geometrical results
from unpublished masnuscripts of Bolyai