Points, lines and planes are basic geometric figures of the space. More complex geometric figures - curves, surfaces and solids can be created from the basic ones. Incidence of a point and a line, incidence of a point and a plane, relation "to lie between", congruence of line seg-ments and congruence of angles are basic relations between basic geometric figures which are described in the system of axioms determining the notion geometry. Euclidean space is deter-mined by the Hilbert axiomatic system. This system consists of 21 axioms distributed in 5 groups.

I. Axioms of Incidence

Axioms in this group describe relation of the superposition of points, lines and planes.

I1: There exists one and only one line determined by two different points.

I2: There exist at least two different points located on one line.

I3: There exists at least one triple of different non-collinear (not located on one line) points.

I4: There exists one and only one plane determined by three non-collinear points.

I5: There exists at least one point located in a plane.

I6: If two different points of a line are located in one plane, then all points of the line are located in this plane.

I7: There exists a quadruple of non-planar (not located in one plane) points.

I8: If there exists a common point of two different planes, then there exists a line common to both planes passing through the common point.


II. Axioms of Order

Axioms in this group determine relation "to be located inbetween", which will be denoted by d.
The relation that the point C is located inbetween points A and B will be denoted by the symbol

II1: If the relation d(ACB) is valid, then A, B, C are three different points located on one line and the relation d(BCA) is valid, too.

II2: There exists at least one point C located on the line p and such, that for an arbitrary pair A, B of different points located on the line p the relation d(ACB) is valid.

II3: One and only one point from the given triple of different points A, B, C located on one line is located inbetween the two other points, exactly one of relations d(ABC), d(ACB), d(BAC) is valid.

II4: (Pasch axioma) Let the line p be located in the same plane as the triangle ABC, and it is not passing through any of the triangle vertices, but it intersects one of the triangle sides in the interior point. Then this line intersects at least one more side of the triangle in its interior point.


III. Axioms of Congruence

Axioms in this group describe congruence of line segments and congruence of angles.
Congruence of a pair of any other geometric figures is determined by these two basic relations.
One and only one from relations U1 U2 , U1 U2 is valid for a pair of line segments U1, U2.
The same is true for a pair of angles pq, rs,
only one from relations pq rs, pq rs is valid.

III1: If U is a line segment and a is a half-line with the starting point in the point O, then there exists a point A located on the line a and such, that UOA=a.

III2: For any line segment AB the following is valid: ABBA.

If U1 U2, then U2 U1. If U1 U and U2 U, then U1 U2 .

III3: If d(ABC), d(A'B' C') are valid, and AB A'B', BC B'C', then AC A'C'.

III4: Let pq be a given angle, and ( hA ) a given half-plane with the boundary line h, on which a half-line with the starting point O is located. Then there exists the only one half-line with the starting point in the point O located in the half-plane ( hA ) and such, that pq hk.

III5: For any angle the following is valid: pq qp .
If pq rs is valid, then rs pq is also valid.
If pq rs and rs tv , then pq tv .

III6: Let two different triangles DABC, DA'B'C' are given, and let the following equalities are valid:
ABA'B', AC A'C', BAC B'A'C'. Then the two triangles are congruent, DABC DA'B'C'.


IV. Axioms of Continuity

Axioms of this group determine the terms for measurements of line segments. These measurements must meet certain natural requirements. Length of a line segment must be independent on the place of its realisation and it must be a real positive number. It must be possible to measure the line segments length by parts, while the total length has to be equal to the sum of the partial line segment lengths. There must exist at least one line segment the length of which equals to the unit of measurement. The Archimedean axiom is the result of the experience in a large number of measurements and guarantees the measurability of line segments. An arbitrary line segment can be attached a real number determining its size and denoted as the line segment length. Anyhow, this axiom does not guarantee that an arbitrary real number is the length of at least one line segment. This fact can be ensured by the Cantor axiom.

IV1: (Archimedean statement)
Let points A, A1 and B be given on a line and such, that d( A A1 B ).
Let the sequence of points A1, A2, ..., Ak-1, Ak, Ak+1, ...
be determined on the line satisfying the following conditions for any natural number k:
1. d( Ak-1 Ak Ak +1)
2. Ak Ak+1 AA1
Then there exists a natural number n, for which d( A An B ).

Archimedean axiom ensures the existence of the metric of line segments m(U) - function defined on the set of all line segments, with some specific properties (positive, additive, monotonic), with the set of values in the set of all non-positive real numbers. Any line segment, for which m(J)=1, is denoted as a unit line segment (or a unit) of the metric of line segments m(U).

IV2: (Cantor statement)
Le a sequence of coherent line segments (AkBk AiBi, i<k ) be given on a line p. Let for any arbitrary line segment CD there exists a line segment AkBk in this sequence, which is its subset, AkBk CD.
Then a point M exists on the line p, which is the common point of all line segments in the given sequence.

If m is an arbitrary metric of line segments and a is an arbitrary real positive number, then the Cantor axiom ensures the existence of a line segment U, for which m(U) = a.

The length of a line segment AB ( distance of points A, B ) can be determined after the unit of the given metric of line segments - the function m(U) is defined, as the value of this function | AB | = m(AB). Distance of two geometric figures equals to the minimal distance of two points, each located on a different of the two given figures.
The size of an angle can be defined in a similar way.

First four groups of axioms determine absolute geometry.
Supplying the fifth group, the Euclidean or the non-Euclidean geometry can be determined, according to the form of the only one axiom of this last group.


V. Axiom of Parallelism

VE: (Euclidean axiom)
For a given point not located on a given line, there exists one and only one line passing through the given point and parallel to the given line.

VL: (Lobatchevsky axiom)
For a given point not located on a given line, there exist at least two lines passing through the given point and parallel to the given line.

Any plane of the Euclidean space is an Euclidean plane, in which the axiomatic system, with the exception of axioms I4 to I8, is consistent to the presented axiomatic system. A system of axiom, which are statements not proofed but taken for granted, is the base for the system of statements and theorems decribing properties of figures in the space - geometry of the space, while these can be determined and proofed from the system of axioms. Many of them are the subject of the secondary school geometry.

In the Euclidean space a Cartesian coordinate system Oxyz (Obr. 1.1) is given. Coordinate axes x, y, z are lines (with the given unit segments) meeting at right angles in the common point - origin O.
Plane determined by the coordinare axes x, y is the coordinate plane p, plane determined by the coordinate axes y, z is the coordinate plane n and plane determined by the coordinate axes x, z is the coordinate plane m.
Planes p, n, m are perpendicular to each other and share only one common point O.
Any arbitrary point in the space A Î E3
can be attached a unique ordered triple of real numbers, which determine the oriented distances of the point to the coordinate planes m, n, p, respectively.
They are denoted as (Cartesian) coordinates of the point, A = [ xA, yA,, zA ].
The opposite is also true, there exists one and only one point in the space such, that an arbitrary ordered triple of real numbers [ xB, yB, zB ] determines distances of this point to the coordinate planes m, n, p equal to numbers xB, yB, zB respectively.
Euclidean space is an affine space with specific properties.
Axiom of continuity guarantees measurability of line segments, Euclidean metric is defined, and Euclidean space is a metric space. The unit for the length is 1cm, angles are measured in degrees or radians, respectively.

The set of all congruent, parallel and equally directed (equipolent) line segments in E3 is the vector

a = AB = CD = EF = …, AB CD EF …, AB ­ ­ CD ­­ EF ­­

Any line segment of the set is the located vector, B - A = AB = a .
The basic location of a vector is the directed line segment a = OP located to the origin.
Vector a = OP is the position vector of the point P.

The sum or difference of two vectors is a vector, a ± b = c.

Vector is represented by an ordered triple of real numbers, Cartesian coordinates, which are diferrences of the Cartesian coordinates of the directed line segment end points in one arbitrary location of the vector. The vector coordinates are Cartesian coordinates of the end point P in the vector basic location.

a = AB = B - A = [ xB, yB, zB] - [xA, yA, zA ] = [ xB - xA, yB - yA, zB - zA] = [a1, a2, a3 ] = OP

An arbitrary ordered triple of real numbers determines the only one vector in the space E3. 0 = [ 0, 0, 0 ] is a zero vector.
Vectors, for which a = kb, k 0 ( a = kb + lc, k, l 0 ), are linearly dependent - collinear (complanar).


Extended Euclidean Space E3


Let us extend each line in the space E3 (Obr. 1.2) by an ideal point A (at infinity), which is the common point of all lines in the pencil of lines parallel to the given line a || b || c || ... .

Any plane a = ap in the space E3 will be extended by the set of ideal points on all lines in the plane B Î p, A Î a, by the ideal line l = AB, and it will become the extended Euclidean plane E2.
All planes in the pencil of planes in the space E3 will be extended by the same line. The set of all points extending the space E3 form the plane l at infinity and the resulting space is the extended Euclidean space E3.
Any line in the ideal plane l is the line at infinity l and any point is the point at infinity A, B.
Other points, lines and planes in the space E3 are real figures - P, c, a.
Extended Euclidean space E3 is the model of the projective space.
Any two different planes in E3 are intersecting planes and their common intersection (a pierce line) can be a real line or a line at infinity.
Any two different lines in E3 are intersecting or skew lines, their common intersection is the set of the only one common point ( a pierce point) - real or ideal, or it is an empty set.

Extending geometric figures at infinity "close" lines and planes in the space E3 , and the relation of order in the former Euclidean space is of no sense any more (axioms in the group II.).
Metric of the Euclidean space does not apply to the extending figures at infinity in the space E3. Set of all real points in the space E3 does not change its affinne structure, metric properties valid in the Euclidean space E3.
This fact qualifies the set of all real points in the space E3 as a subset invariant under the metric transformations of the space. All relations and operations defined for figures in the space E3 will be valid also in the space E3, for figures consisting of real points, while in calculations the Cartesian coordinates of points will be used.

Homogeneous system of coordinates in the projective space E3 is the extension of the Cartesian coordinate system in E3 (obr. 1.3).

A set of homogeneous coordinates of the point A = [xa, ya, za] in the Euclidean space E3 is any ordered quadruple of real numbers ( a1, a2, a3, a4 ), a4 0, for which the following equalities are valid:

The coordinate a4 is nonzero for any real point in the space E3.
The basic form of the homogeneous coordinates of the finite point A is the ordered quadruple

( xa, ya, za, 1).

Notion "point at infinity" will be often substituted by notion "direction", parallel lines are in the same direction - they are intersecting in the common point at infinity. It is therefore required, that the point at infinity be represented by a direction vector of any line pointing to the common ideal point. Vectors used in the Euclidean space can be introduced in the same sense also in the space E3. The definiton as a set of all equipolent line segments will determine the homogeneous coordinates of a vector.

An arbitrary location of vector a, directed line segment determined by the end points a = BC, is defined by finite points in the space. Homogeneous coordinates of vector a can be calculated as differences of homogeneous coordinates of the vector end points in the basic form. Homogeneous coordinates of vector representing point at infinity U are homogeneous coordinates of this ideal point. All collinear vectors represent the same point at infinity.

a = C - B = ( xc, yc, zc, 1 ) - ( xb, yb, zb, 1 ) = ( xc - xb, yc - yb, zc - zb, 1 ) = ( xu, yu, zu, 0 )

Any ordered quadruple of real numbers
( xu, yu, zu, 0 ) = k( a1, a2, a3, 0 ), form homogeneous coordinates of an ideal point in the space E3, where numbers a1, a2, a3 are Cartesian coordinates of the point arbitrary representative.