1.4. Special symbols and operations in Mathematica

%Result from the last OutN[%,50] - Repeats the previous calculation with an accuracy of 50 symbols
%%Result from the second-last Out    
%%% Result from the third-last Out    
%nResult from Out[n]%20 - Repeats the 20th Out
  ,Universal separatorPlot[                                                                        3 FormBox[StyleBox[Sty ... Alignments -> {Left}, ColumnLines -> 0.5, RowMinHeight -> 1.}], TableMasterGrid], TraditionalForm]+4, {x,1,5}]
  ;Separator for expressions on one line and prohibits displaying the result on the screenx=223;   -Will not visualize Out
  .A decimal point in presenting constants;
Symbol for invalidation of a variable;
Symbol for multiplication of matrices
x1=.    The variable x1 is invalidated
  =Symbol for appropriationа12=1.345π
  :=Defining a function or rulef[x_]:=Sin[t]
  /.Temporary change of values for the current calculationCos[                                                                        2 FormBox[StyleBox[Sty ... Alignments -> {Left}, ColumnLines -> 0.5, RowMinHeight -> 1.}], TableMasterGrid], TraditionalForm]]  /. x->3a    
-The result is: cos(9                                                               4 FormBox[StyleBox[StyleBox[Sty ... Alignments -> {Left}, ColumnLines -> 0.5, RowMinHeight -> 1.}], TableMasterGrid], TraditionalForm])
  -> Arrow for replacement of a value or ruleArcCos[                                                                        2 FormBox[StyleBox[Sty ... Alignments -> {Left}, ColumnLines -> 0.5, RowMinHeight -> 1.}], TableMasterGrid], TraditionalForm]] /. x->0.5
  //NNumeric result for the expression before itπ //N      - The result is:   3.14159
  (  ) Brackets for arithmetic and logic operations. h=( 7-                                                                        5  FormBox[StyleBox[St ... Alignments -> {Left}, ColumnLines -> 0.5, RowMinHeight -> 1.}], TableMasterGrid], TraditionalForm]/ (1-3 ( 2+                                                                3 FormBox[StyleBox[StyleBox[Sty ... Alignments -> {Left}, ColumnLines -> 0.5, RowMinHeight -> 1.}], TableMasterGrid], TraditionalForm]))      
  [  ]   Brackets for the arguments of a function.D[Sin[x-4]]  
  {  }Brackets for list elements (row, matrix, graph arguments etc.).m={-1, 0, 6, 4 ,1 }
- Assigns vector m with 6 coordinates
  [ [    ] ]Brackets for extraction of elements or indexesm[ [ 3 ] ]     -  Third element of m
  (*      *)Brackets for comments(*   Can be placed anywhere *)
  *  or space
  +    -  
Symbols for arithmetic operations:
division (and a fraction line)
addition, subtraction
a=2π / 7
b=a*c / (3-x^3)
  >   >=
  <=   <
Comparison symbols:
Larger, Larger/Equal etc.
Used for checking identities, for solving equations and recording of complex logic expressions

Logical operations:
Logical ‘Not’ or factorial symbol
Logical ‘And’
Logical ‘Or’
Exclusive ‘Or’
Used for solving calculations, for logical verification etc.
  ! (a && b<2)
  <<Symbol for reading an outside file, i.e. including an add-on package of functions<<Graphics`Shapes`
<<name_ of_ the_ file
  >>Symbol for taking out results to a file Expression >> name_of_the_file
  >>>Add to fileExpression >>> name_of_the_file
  !!Reads the text in the fileExpression >> f1