  1. Introduction
  2. Superposition of lines
  3. Metric properties in the Eucludean plane
  4. Metric properties in the Eucludean space
  5. Metric space
  6. Line in the Cartesian plane
  7. Problems on lines in the Cartesian plane
  8. Line in the Euclidean space
  9. Plane in the Euclidean space
  10. Superposition of 2 or 3 planes

  1. Example1-Centre of line segment, distance of 2 points
  2. Example2-Equations of line through 2 points
  3. Example3-Superposition of 2 lines
  4. Example4-Superposition of line and plane
  5. Example5-Distance of parallel lines
  6. Example6-Angle formed by 2 lines
  7. Example7-Equations of line
  8. Example8-Equations of plane
  9. Example9-Pierce point of line and plane
  10. Example10-Superposition of 2 or 3 planes

  1. Problem1-Centre of line segment, coord of vector
  2. Problem2-Equations of line through 2 points
  3. Problem3-Superposition of 2 lines
  4. Problem4-Superposition of line and plane
  5. Problem5-Distance of parallel lines
  6. Problem6-Angle formed by 2 lines
  7. Problem7-Equations of line
  8. Problem8-Equations of plane
  9. Problem9-Pierce point of line and plane
  10. Problem10-Superposition of 2 or 3 planes

  1. Assessment