The primary target groups are students from secondary school up to PhD, secondary school teachers, trainers, university lecturers, researchers or scientists who need to improve their knowledge and understanding of mathematics, or need expert consultancy in solving their mathematical problems.
Targeted sectors are educational institutions from secondary schools to universities.

Secondary target groups are any interested party from the non-academic sphere, from industry or research and development, who need a deeper knowledge of mathematics - including the latest results and details of available information - or who need help with the solution of specific mathematical problems.
Targeted sectors are research and training organisations, university enterprise training partners, research centres and scientific institutes.

A third group of potential users of the project´s results may be any training organisations, schools and university training organisations providing continuous education and distance learning or life-long learning.
Potential final users are also private individuals as home self-learners, interested in self-education who, for personal reasons, may not normally engage with formal education including disabled people and people perceiving discrimination due to social and gender stereotypes.