Registered Participants Aplimat 2014
No. |
Name |
Office |
Title of
presentation |
42. |
ALPERS Burkhard |
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Aalen University of Applied Sciences Aalen |
The new SEFI Mathematics
Working Group Curriculum Document |
Abstract |
32. |
ALVAREZ Aurelien |
Université d´Orléans, UFR
Sciences Bâtiment de mathématiques Orléans cedex 2 |
Two movies: Dimensions and
Chaos |
Abstract |
58. |
BALKO Ludovit |
Department of
mathematics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak
University of Technology Bratislava |
Determination of actual
mobility of incorrect mechanisms using matrix Lie groups |
Abstract |
63. |
BOCCARDI Beatrice |
profit Naples |
Students´ creativity in
the practices of Adotta Scienza e Arte nella tua classe |
Abstract |
50. |
BOHÁČ Zdeněk |
VSB - Technical Universiry
of Ostrava Ostrava - Poruba |
Problémy studia v prvním
ročníku VŠB - TU Ostrava |
Abstract |
27. |
A |
Politecnico di Milano -
Scuola del Design Milano |
Experience of
Three-Dimensional Vision in the Era of Digital
Interaction. |
Abstract |
55. |
CAPANNA Alessandra |
Dipartimento di
Architettura e Progetto Università di Roma "La
Sapienza" ROMA |
Memories of lost cubes and
domes. Auto-similarity in modular contemporary buildings, the
persistence of form between math and architecture. |
Abstract |
9. |
Institute of Mathematics
and Physics SjF STU
Bratislava |
Implicitné riešenie
diferenciálnych rovníc |
Abstract |
52. |
VŠB-TU Ostrava Ostrava
- Poruba |
Problémy studia v prvním
ročníku VŠB-TU Ostrava |
Abstract |
24. |
Department of Demography,
Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics in
Prague Prague 3 |
Solver in Levelling the Life Expectancy at Birth |
Abstract |
8. |
FEČKAN Michal |
Department of Mathematical
Analysis and Numerical Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics, Comenius University Bratislava |
Dynamic model in
advertising |
Abstract |
18. |
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava Ostrava |
Didactic diagnostics of
the educational process concerning basics of mathematics |
Abstract |
28. |
Chair of the Probability
Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Riga Technical University
Riga |
Simulation of Option
Prices Using GARCH Processes for Autocorrelated Stock
Returns |
Abstract |
64. |
FOLTIN Viktor |
Department of Mathematics
and Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, STU
Bratislava |
13. |
Institute of Mathematics
and Physics SjF STU
Bratislava |
41. |
GEHSBARGS Aleksandrs |
Riga Technical
University Riga Riga |
GARCH model applications.
Comparison of stationary solutions of stochastic difference and
differential equations. |
Abstract |
66. |
GELATTI Gabriele
Genova |
Abstract |
45. |
National University of
Arts Doctoral School
Bucharest |
On the synergy of art,
technology, ritual and mathematics. The Bézier curves
revisited |
Abstract |
11. |
Institute of Mathematics
and Physics Slovak University of Technology
Bratislava |
38. |
IORFIDA Vincenzo |
Ph.d. School
"Archimedes" University of Calabria Rende CS, ITALY |
Artistic Aspects of
Complex Functions in Algebraic Surfaces |
Abstract |
35. |
JANČAŘÍK Antonín |
Charles University in
Prague, Faculty of Education Prague 1 |
Netradiční přístupy k
matematické analýze I - Nekonečně malé veličiny |
Abstract |
33. |
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava Ostrava |
Didactic diagnostics of
the educational process concerning basics of mathematics |
Abstract |
61. |
KOREN Balazs |
Eotvos Lorand University,
Budapest Budapest |
22. |
Faculty of Mathematics,
Physics and Informatics Bratislava |
Kombinované formy
vyučovania v školskej matematike (Blended learning in teaching
mathematics at primary and secondary school) |
Abstract |
53. |
KREML Pavel |
VŠB - TU Ostrava
katedra matematiky a DG Ostrava - Poruba |
Problémy studia v prvním
ročníku VŠB - TU Ostrava |
Abstract |
23. |
KVAPIL David |
UNIS Division of
Aerospace and Advanced Control Brno |
Fault Detection and
Isolation Algorithms and Modelling |
Abstract |
25. |
La Sapienza of Roma
Faculty of Design, Visual & Multmedia Communication
Rome |
Parametric Hybrid Wall: A
Responsive Surface for Exhibition Design |
Abstract |
54. |
University of
Cambridge Cambridge |
Supporting technology
enhanced mathematics teaching with development and
research |
Abstract |
62. |
LEJA Jozef |
Institute of Mathematics
and Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovak
University of Technology Bratislava |
56. |
LORENZI Marcella
G |
Centro Editoriale e
Librario (University Press) University of
Arcavacata di Rende |
Memories of lost cubes and
domes. Auto-similarity in modular contemporary buildings, the
persistence of form between math and architecture. |
Abstract |
31. |
Dipartimento di Matematica
del Politecnico di Milano Milano |
Galileo Galilei’s
Location, Shape and Size of Dante’s Inferno: An Artistic and
Educational Project |
Abstract |
19. |
Probability Theory and
Math. Statistics Dept., DITF, Riga Technical
university Riga |
Northeast Volatility Winds
Effect and it’s Forecasting |
Abstract |
46. |
MURESAN Viorica |
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca Cluj-Napoca |
A Tonelli-type functional
- integral equation, via weakly Picard operators´
technique |
Abstract |
39. |
NAVRÁTIL Vladislav |
Faculty of Education,
Masaryk University Brno |
Plastic Deformation of
Cd-Zn Alloys Single Crystals – Some Experimental
Problems |
Abstract |
30. |
NORANDO Tullia |
Dipartimento di Matematica
del Politecnico di Milano Milano |
Galileo Galilei’s
Location, Shape and Size of Dante’s Inferno: An Artistic and
Educational Project |
Abstract |
3. |
NOVOTNÁ Jiřina |
Katedra matematiky,
Pedagogická fakulta, MU Brno |
Chains of Markof and
games |
34. |
NOVOTNÁ Jarmila |
Univerzita Karlova v
Praze Pedagogická fakulta Praha 1 |
“Culture of Solving
Problems |
Abstract |
44. |
STU Bratislava |
47. |
PALČÁK František |
Institute of applied
mechanics and mechatronics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
STU Bratislava
Nam.slobody 17, 812 31 Bratislava, Slovak
republic |
Determination of Actual
Mobility of Incorrectmechanisms Using Matrix Lie Groups |
Abstract |
14. |
Palladino Frattamaggiore (NA) |
Creating New
“Mathematically-Sustainable”World: from the Spirograph, a Reverse
Path |
Abstract |
7. |
PAUN Marius |
Dept. Mathematics and
Computer Science Transilvania University of
Brasob Brasov |
Numbers |
Abstract |
60. |
PIEKARZ Monika |
Institute of Mathematics
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Lublin |
Partition Problem and
Analog Methods |
Abstract |
59. |
PILOUS Derek |
Charles University in
Prague, Faculty of Education Prague 1 Prague |
Sequential and functional
approach to limit in education |
Abstract |
17. |
POLA Aija |
Probability and Statistics
Chair, Riga Technical University Riga |
Phase Merger Principle for
Nonstationary Impulse Markov Dynamical Systems |
Abstract |
10. |
Department of Mathematical
Analysis and Numerical Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics, Comenius University Bratislava |
Dynamic model in
advertising |
Abstract |
12. |
POTŮČEK Radovan |
Department of Mathematics
and Physics, Faculty of Military Technology, University of
Defence Brno |
Two general formulas for
the sum of the reduced harmonic series generated by n
primes |
Abstract |
36. |
PUCKOVS Andrejs |
Riga Technical
University Riga |
´North-East Volatility
Wind´ Effect and its Forecasting |
Abstract |
15. |
RAGUZ Andrija |
Zagreb School of Economics
and Management Zagreb |
A new methodological
approach to upgrading the statement of Gross domestic product (GDP)
growth rates and implicit GDP deflators |
Abstract |
26. |
RAK Josef |
Univerzita Pardubice
Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky Pardubice |
Numerical Solution of a
Singular Fredholm Integral Equation of the Second Kind Describing
Induction Heating |
Abstract |
2. |
Institute of Mathematics
and Physics SjF STU Bratislava |
The role of basic
geometrical patterns |
Abstract |
57. |
ROMBOVÁ Zuzana |
University of Ostrava,
Faculty of Science, Department of Computers Ostrava |
Simple Automation of
Syntactic Analysis |
Abstract |
49. |
Department of Computers,
Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava Ostrava |
Simple automation of
syntactic analysis |
Abstract |
5. |
SIVÝ Július |
Institute of Mathematics
and Physics Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Slovak
University of Technology Bratislava |
48. |
STUPKA Tomáš |
Department of Computers,
Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava
Ostrava |
Automated Theorem Proving
Systems |
Abstract |
16. |
Zagreb School of Economics
and Management Zagreb |
A new methodological
approach to upgrading the statement of Gross domestic product (GDP)
growth rates and implicit GDP deflators |
Abstract |
29. |
SVOBODA Martin |
Faculty of Electical
Engineering and Informatics, Department of Mathematics and
Physics, University of Pardubice Pardubice |
Construction and
Statistical Analysis of Zdenek Sýkora’s Lines |
Abstract |
4. |
STU Bratislava |
21. |
LALLI Laura |
Dipartimento di
Architettura Rome |
Charts and atlases, a
Riemannian onlook at Picasso |
Abstract |
1. |
Institute of Mathematics
and Physics Bratislava |
Some Properties of
Minkowski Operators |
Abstract |
43. |
Charles Univ. in Prague,
Faculty of Education Praha 1 |
Interaktivní tabule v
kurzu didaktiky matematiky pro budoucí učitele matematiky |
Abstract |
65. |
Generalizaation of the
Metallic Means Family |
Abstract |
6. |
Institute of Mathematics
and Physics SjF STU Bratislava Bratislava |
Implicitné riešenie
diferenciálnych rovníc |
Abstract |
51. |
ZAHRÁDKA Jaromír |
University of
Pardubice Pardubice |
Fibonacci Numbers of
Graphs Corresponding to a Type of Hexagonal Chains |
Abstract |
20. |
Přírodovědecká fakulta
MU Brno |
Two Methods of Quadratic
Calibration |
Abstract |
37. |
ŠMÍD Jan |
Univerzita Karlova v Praze
- Pedagogická fakulta, katedra výtvarné
výchovy Prague |
Leaving of
dimension |
Abstract |
40. |
ŽIŽKA David |
University of Economics
Prague |
Fractionally Integrated
GARCH Approach to Estimating Financial Time Series |
Abstract |
Number of registered participants: 66
Abstracts of conference Aplimat 2014
ALPERS Burkhard
" The new SEFI Mathematics Working Group
Curriculum Document " - from the section: New trends
in mathematical education
In September 2013, the third edition of
the curriculum document written by SEFI’s (European Society for
Engineering Education) Mathematics Working Group appeared, called “A
Framework for Mathematics Curricula in Engineering Education”. In the
lecture, the main intention and structure of this document will be
presented. It is based upon the concept of mathematical competence which
was adopted from the Danish KOM project. This concept will be explained
and illustrated by providing examples for competence-oriented assignments
for students.
ALVAREZ Aurelien
" Two movies: Dimensions and Chaos
" - from the section:
( is a 2-hour movie dedicated to a large audience
in order to get some feeling about the fourth dimension. Thanks to the
help of many people, it is now available in more than twenty languages.
Chaos ( is another 2-hour movie dedicated to a same
large audience and which deals with chaos theory and the mathematics
behind the famous butterfly effect. The movie is also available in a quite
large number of languages and has been online since one year. In this
talk, I will take the opportunity to present both films and the way we
worked together on that two projects, Étienne Ghys, Jos Leys and
BALKO Ľudovit
" Determination of actual mobility of
incorrect mechanisms using matrix Lie groups " - from the
section: Algebra and geometry and their applications
Ľudovít (SK), PALČÁK František (SK):
The correct mechanism has
geometric constraints, which are enforced according their type and
computed mobility is actual. When diameters and configurations of links
and geometrical constraints cause their partial or total passivity, then
mechanism is incorrect and computed mobility is not actual. In this paper
some properties of matrix groups is used for determination of actual
mobility of incorrect mechanisms.
" Students´ creativity in the practices
of Adotta Scienza e Arte nella tua classe " - from the
section: Mathematics and art
The first edition of the project
Adotta Scienza e Arte nella tua classe (Adopt Science and Art in your
class) has been held in the Italian schools in the school year 2012-2013.
This paper describes how the popularisation of science through the quotes
of famous scientists, annotated and contextualized in the collection of
100 +1 frasi famose sulla scienza (100 +1 famous quotes on science), used
by the students as an inspiration for their graphic works on science, may
contribute to increasing the curiosity for science, to motivate them and
to create a multidisciplinary and creative learning environment. After a
brief presentation of some basic facts – where in Italy the project has
been implemented, how many students and teachers it has involved – we make
an initial assessment of how scientific thinking and the practice of
science can help shape the way the new generations see the world. This is
done by comparing the quotes chosen by the students with their
interpretation s –expressed in their original comments accompanying the
graphic creation – and the artworks themselves. The analysis of the
classroom practices, the original comments by the students and the graphic
works highlight the strong value of the project to define the school as a
place for the integration and transmission of knowledge through creativity
and for the dissemination of science and scientific culture. Even beyond
the school itself, through exhibitions of works, public lectures, etc.
Finally, we draw a balance of this first year work and describe the lines
of development of the project in the second edition. |
BOHÁČ Zdeněk
" Problémy studia v prvním ročníku VŠB - TU
Ostrava " - from the section: New trends in
mathematical education
BOHÁČ Zdeněk (CZ), DOLEŽALOVÁ Jarmila (CZ),
KREML Pavel (CZ):
Je všeobecně známou skutečností, že úroveň
znalostí studentů z matematiky vykazuje klesající tendenci. Formou
dotazníku jsme zjišťovali názory studentů na výuku předmětů garantovaných
katedrou matematiky a deskriptivní geometrie v prvním roce studia na
VŠB-TUO. Zajímal nás rovněž názor studentů na úroveň jejich vstupních
znalostí z matematiky a geometrie i přístup studentů k přednáškám,
cvičením a zkouškám.
" Experience of Three-Dimensional
Vision in the Era of Digital Interaction. " - from the
section: Mathematics and art
Alberto Brunetti (Italy) Abstract. It will soon be presented to the
public a new version of stereoscopic viewers designed for observing files
and video projected images through a system of transparent optical prisms
which allow the simultaneous perception of the surrounding environment.
The real challenge for applied mathematics and visual design it will be to
prefigure and how to use and their applications so that new devices can
actually enable a deeper 3D visual experience. A specific case study
concerns the visualizations of the collisions at the LHC at CERN, selected
to verify the traces of the boson theorized by Francois Englert and Peter
Higgs, with Robert Brout, who recently received the Nobel Prize for their
Key words. Digital stereoscopic viewers, augmented
reality, virtual vision, science communication, visual design, 3D
animation, LHC - CERN, particle Physics, particle collision detector,
Higgs boson.
Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary Primary
AMS01A99; Secondary: 97M80 Arts, music, language,
1 New generation of digital interactive stereoscopic
viewers It will soon be presented to the public a new version of
stereoscopic viewers that will update a hardware product already widely
distributed, but relatively known only in expert groups. These
stereoscopic viewers were designed for viewing files and video projected
images through a system of transparent optical prisms - sent by a compact
wired remote control comes with internal memory, touchpad and android
wi-fi - which allow the simultaneous perception of the surrounding
2 Conceptual references to the interaction with the
visual techniques In this context I would underline some preliminary
methodological reflections to a possible technical and practical
experimentation - which can be coordinated with the appropriate research
facilities of educational experimentation-. In particular I would like to
point out some factors and conceptual references to the interaction with
the visual techniques, that it will allow new visual experience in such
apparatus. Several stereoscopic devices have preceded the upcoming
technological innovations in three-dimensional viewers, and at least to
facilitate its comprehension, each advance must retain the memory of some
aspect of the one that of it has preceded it, at least under a typological
profile, in order not to be perceived as a foreign object and simply
3 opportunity and challenge for applied
mathematics and for visual design The real challenge for applied
mathematics and visual designe it will be to prefigure how to use possible
applications of these new devices that can actually enable a deeper 3D
visual experience for the observer -and not just an augmented reality of
a possible isolated and only passive user- to become a protagonists of new
knowledge and real communication (word and idea which etymologically means
“shared action”!).
4 Case study: Collisions 3D visualization from
LHC-CERN of Geneve A specific case study that we would like to present
concerns the visualizations of the particle collisions at the LHC at CERN,
selected to verify the traces theorized Higgs boson. It is
methodologically an extremely interesting representation path. From a
physical phenomenon at the microscopic extreme limits of events in
space-time –through the major detectors ATLAS and CMS- the data of the
tracks collisions have been recorded, collected and selected: these data
obtained from the detectors have been realized in sequences of 3D modeling
with chromatic highlights of different types of tracks detected; the
modeling of these sequences were visually reproduced in the progressive
dynamics of the collisions returned finally in 3D animation. This compex
elaboration is an innovative visual product, between science and visual
arts, that carries us from the invisible to the infinitesimal space-time
the immersive vision of the physical events.
CAPANNA Alessandra
" Memories of lost cubes and domes.
Auto-similarity in modular contemporary buildings, the persistence of form
between math and architecture. " - from the section:
Mathematics and art
CAPANNA Alessandra (I), LORENZI Marcella
Giulia (I):
After the revolutions of contemporary architecture,
and the inventive and daring design experimentations obtained by using,
for example, genetic algorithms and computer evolutionary simulations, at
the basis of even apparently complex compositions there are simple
mathematical rules or forms. In this paper, to be considered as a
preliminary study with a preeminent architectural/artistic bias, we will
take into consideration a few examples of buildings, in which
self-similar, reiterated and even fractal cubes have been used to create
very outstanding compositions. A deeper analysis reveals similarities to
and influences by very ancient paradigms or iconic symbols and the
persistence of form through centuries and different cultures. by A.
Capanna & M.G. Lorenzi
" Implicitné riešenie diferenciálnych
rovníc " - from the section: New trends in
mathematical education
This paper is devoted to some aspects of teaching
ordinary differential equations of the first order, especially properties
of their solutions in implicit form and some special tools for
visualization of the obtained results, with the aid of the programming
" Problémy studia v prvním ročníku
VŠB-TU Ostrava " - from the section: New trends in
mathematical education
BOHÁČ Zdeněk (CZ), DOLEŽALOVÁ Jarmila (CZ),
KREML Pavel (CZ):
Je všeobecně známou skutečností, že úroveň
znalostí studentů z matematiky vykazuje klesající tendenci. Formou
dotazníku jsme zjišťovali názory studentů na výuku předmětů garantovaných
katedrou matematiky a deskriptivní geometrie v prvním roce studia na
VŠB-TUO. Zajímal nás rovněž názor studentů na úroveň jejich vstupních
znalostí z matematiky a geometrie i přístup studentů k přednáškám,
cvičením a zkouškám.
" DERAS versus MS EXCEL Solver in
Levelling the Life Expectancy at Birth " - from the
section: Financial and actuary mathematics
The article
deals with using of MS Excel Solver for demographic calculations. We will
focus on the levelling of specific mortality rates for higher ages. The
reason is that there is a gradual improvement in mortality. Therefore, it
is more and more im-portant to best capture the mortality of oldest
persons. In our study, we will focus on levelling specific mortality rates
by Gompertz–Makeham (and modified Gom-pertz–Makeham) function. An
important part of the article will provide the process for estimating the
parameters of mentioned functions using the procedure of MS Excel Solver.
Our goal is to present the methodology that we use for estimating
pa-rameters of these functions. The procedure will be applied on data
about mortality of Czech population. The results will be compared with the
estimates, obtained from the software DeRaS, which is used for estimating
parameters of selected mod-els used for smoothing specific mortality
rates. The aim is to compare the results ob-tained from both procedures.
There will be presented the possible consequences of current development
of mortality in the conclusion.
" Dynamic model in advertising " -
from the section: Differential equations, dynamic systems and
their applications
The goal
of the article is to report to the reader something about dynamics in
marketing, especially in marketing comunication and advertising. We used
and estimated dynamic model with two equation, two variables and one
parameter. |
" Didactic diagnostics of the educational
process concerning basics of mathematics " - from the
section: New trends in mathematical education
(CZ), KONEČNÁ Petra (CZ):
Article introduces form, aims and results
of the didactic diagnostics of first-grade students´ performance in the
cognitive field focusing on the basics of mathematics. |
" Simulation of Option Prices Using
GARCH Processes for Autocorrelated Stock Returns " - from
the section: Modeling and simulation in engineering and scientific
In this paper we describe practical example of our
studies for an analytical solution for a problem of pricing financial
actives with autocorrelated returns. This example is based on option price
for Tesla Motors Inc stock. In previous studies we developed a continuous
diffusion model for the case of serially correlated stock returns, obtain
European call option pricing formula and show that even small levels of
predictability due to serial correlation can give substantial deviation
from results obtained by Black-Sholes formula and made Monte Carlo
simulation for stock volatility. Finally, we showed recalculated option
price, based on the simulation result.
GEHSBARGS Aleksandrs
" GARCH model applications.
Comparison of stationary solutions of stochastic difference and
differential equations. " - from the section:
Financial and actuary mathematics
Main results for stochastic
differential equations apply to their stationary solutions. For obvious
reasons underlying processes are simulated with stochastic difference
equations. Such equations also have stationary solutions that depend on
the time step h. In the current paper relation between statistical
features of stationary solutions of stochastic difference and differential
equations are investigated. Moreover, possible approaches to the choice of
time step h are discussed. |
GELATTI Gabriele
Algebra and geometry and their applications
In this paper we
introduce the notion of L golden gnomon, and some properties of it are
observed as applied to the growth of spirals. Spirals of squares and of
triangles are especially observed, with relevance of the golden ratio as
a geometrical link between the two polygons.
" On the synergy of art, technology,
ritual and mathematics. The Bézier curves revisited " -
from the section: Mathematics and art
This paper, dedicated
to the memory of Professor Mauro Francaviglia, pleads for a synthesis
between art and mathematics, by presenting a set of new data on the Bézier
curves, identified on 18th century azulejo from Portugal. As the
Portuguese artifacts show, the ritual action of tracing the curves can be
considered a cultural universal, its presence being identified after
thousands of years span and thousands of kilometers distance in the
prehistoric Balkan objects discussed in a previous Aplimat issue. The
existence of a mathematical function that copies a vegetal shape across
different cultures also infers that Bézier curves are a cultural
archetype, neglected until now by the history of art, and whose study
would contribute to the understanding of certain mental
IORFIDA Vincenzo
" Artistic Aspects of Complex Functions
in Algebraic Surfaces " - from the section:
Mathematics and art
The mathematics of the Nineteenth century
was characterized by the development of complex analysis, that has also
had a significant role in the study of physics. This process was more
profitable, in many aspects, than the real analysis. The study of complex
functions has been carried out independently, since, according to most of
the mathematicians, the problems with complex numbers have emerged from
their use in the theory of functions and not in algebra. We will examine
some artistic aspects, related to the glamour of modeling of complex
numbers whose shapes pass through the cryptography. |
" Netradiční přístupy k matematické
analýze I - Nekonečně malé veličiny " - from the section:
New trends in mathematical education
JANČAŘÍK Antonín (CZ),
Pilous Derek (CZ):
V rámci příspěvku bude představen alternativní
přístup k výuce diferenciálního a integrálního počtu pomocí nekonečně
malých veličin. Bude poukázáno na historické souvislosti vztahující se k
tomuto přístupu a možnosti, které především v oblasti názornosti
představuje. |
" Didactic diagnostics of the educational
process concerning basics of mathematics " - from the
section: New trends in mathematical education
(CZ), KONEČNÁ Petra (CZ):
Article introduces form, aims and results
of the didactic diagnostics of first-grade students´ performance in the
cognitive field focusing on the basics of mathematics.
" Kombinované formy vyučovania v školskej
matematike (Blended learning in teaching mathematics at primary and
secondary school) " - from the section: New trends in
mathematical education
V posledných rokoch sme svedkami rastúcej
tendencie využívania elektronických materiálov učiteľmi matematiky na
všetkých stupňoch škôl. E-materiály sú súčasťou nového trendu vo vyučovaní
školskej matematiky –blended learningu, teda kombinovanej formy vyučovania
spájajúcej fyzické a virtuálne zdroje. V príspevku chceme poukázať na
súčasný stav a možnosti využívania blended learnigu vo vyučovaní školskej
matematiky a niekoľko ukážok e-materiálov (v prostredí softvéru GeoGebra).
Poukážeme aj na možnosti využitia e-materiálov pri rozvíjaní tvorivosti
matematicky nadaných žiakov.
" Problémy studia v prvním ročníku VŠB - TU
Ostrava " - from the section: New trends in
mathematical education
BOHÁČ Zdeněk (CZ), DOLEŽALOVÁ Jarmila (CZ),
KREML Pavel (CZ):
Je všeobecně známou skutečností, že úroveň
znalostí studentů z matematiky vykazuje klesající tendenci. Formou
dotazníku jsme zjišťovali názory studentů na výuku předmětů garantovaných
katedrou matematiky a deskriptivní geometrie v prvním roce studia na
VŠB-TUO. Zajímal nás rovněž názor studentů na úroveň jejich vstupních
znalostí z matematiky a geometrie i přístup studentů k přednáškám,
cvičením a zkouškám.
" Fault Detection and Isolation Algorithms
and Modelling " - from the section: Modeling and
simulation in engineering and scientific computations
David(CZ), WEISMAN Andrej (SK):
Fault detection and isolation
(FDI) is very important for enhancing the safety and reliability of
aircraft systems. Several mathematical methods and algorithms useful for
processing and operation evaluating in engine control systems are
presented in this article. The role of FDI in System Health Monitoring
(SHM) issues and Data-Driven approach is reminded. Residual-based modeling
and analysis is considered. Control chart approach and state estimator
using Kalman filtering is presented and modelled. Perturbed system with
implemented dummy fault is simulated and analyzed, all simulations are
created in MATLAB.
" Parametric Hybrid Wall: A
Responsive Surface for Exhibition Design " - from the
section: Modeling and simulation in engineering and scientific
A Responsive Surface is an architecture able to model
its own shape in relation to contextual specific impulses. The surface
shapes itself differently depending on the stimuli which are related to a
spectrum of variables classified as sensors. The deformation of the
surface happens subsequently to the received impulse: the dynamism of
these structures is then the result of the interaction between the
end-user, who acts upon the sensors, and the surface, which modifies its
own shape after having been subjected to the stimuli of the sensors.
Parametric Hybrid Wall not only presents these preliminary
characteristics, hence resulting to be a responsive surface, but also it
outlines a further process which combines the planning parametric approach
with specific instruments for Open Source and Low Cost modelling and
prototyping. |
" Supporting technology enhanced
mathematics teaching with development and research " - from
the section: New trends in mathematical education
is increasingly becoming an important part of mathematics teaching and
learning in the 21st Century. There are numerous attempts to integrate
technology into education systems, but without serious development and
research the success of these attempts have been limited. Recently, we
started a project in Hungary to develop high-quality teaching and learning
materials and work with 800 schools and 2500 teachers. The project
involves extensive development and evaluation parts to ensure the quality
of the work. The developed materials and the software framework are based
on GeoGebra (, which an open-source, dynamic
mathematics software used by more than 20million students and teachers
around the world. In our project we aim to involve and collaborate with as
many experts and researchers as possible from around the world. We plan to
base our work on previously successful projects, collect ideas from the
GeoGebra community, and invite colleagues to work with us. We hope that
this project could be a test bed for future projects and trialing ground
for different ideas. In our talk, we will outline GeoGebra as a software,
its community, the directions for software development, and our aims for
research and evaluation.
LORENZI Marcella G
" Memories of lost cubes and domes.
Auto-similarity in modular contemporary buildings, the persistence of form
between math and architecture. " - from the section:
Mathematics and art
CAPANNA Alessandra (I), LORENZI Marcella
Giulia (I):
After the revolutions of contemporary architecture,
and the inventive and daring design experimentations obtained by using,
for example, genetic algorithms and computer evolutionary simulations, at
the basis of even apparently complex compositions there are simple
mathematical rules or forms. In this paper, to be considered as a
preliminary study with a preeminent architectural/artistic bias, we will
take into consideration a few examples of buildings, in which
self-similar, reiterated and even fractal cubes have been used to create
very outstanding compositions. A deeper analysis reveals similarities to
and influences by very ancient paradigms or iconic symbols and the
persistence of form through centuries and different cultures.
" Galileo Galilei’s Location,
Shape and Size of Dante’s Inferno: An Artistic and Educational Project
" - from the section: Mathematics and
Tullia (I):
Mathematics and Art have a long historical
relationship, which goes as far back as the ancient Greeks. It suffices to
think, for instance, to their use of the golden ratio, regarded as an
aesthetically pleasing canon and incorporated into the design of many
monuments and temples. With the Renaissance we can see a rebirth of
Classical (Greek and Roman) culture and ideas, and among them the study of
Mathematics as a relevant subject needed to understand the nature and the
arts. Two major reasons drove Renaissance artists towards the pursuit
of Mathematics. Firstly, painters needed to figure out how to depict
three-dimensional scenes on a two-dimensional canvas. Secondly,
philosophers and artists alike were convinced that Mathematics was the
true essence of the physical world so that the entire universe, including
the arts, could be explained in geometrical terms. For instance, Galileo
Galilei in his Il Saggiatore wrote that “[The universe] is written in the
language of Mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and
other geometric figures.” Thus, there is a close relation between
Mathematics and Fine Arts during the Renaissance: mathematical knowledge
is applied in drawings and paintings with the use of symmetry, producing
ratios and proportions. Within the study of such a context arises the
artistic and educational project “Galileo: location, shape and size of
Dante’s Inferno” as a collaboration between the FDS Laboratory for
Mathematical Education and Science Communication at the Department of
Mathematics of the Politecnico di Milano and Accademia di Belle Arti di
Brera. The project is inspired by the first of two lectures held by
Galileo Galilei at the Accademia Fiorentina in 1588. These lectures were
commissioned by the Accademia to solve a literary controversy concerning
the interpretation of Dante’s Inferno. In these lessons Galileo took the
opportunity to show his mathematical abilities combined with his strong
background in Humanities. His ultimate aim was to show that Mathematics is
not merely useful from a technical point of view, but can also give a
contribution to nobler cultural debates, thus acquiring an intellectual
status comparable to that of the Humanities. When giving his lectures
Galileo probably used drawings to explain how to map Dante’s Inferno,
because of “ la difficoltà del suggetto che non patisce esser con la penna
facilmente esplicato” (the difficulty of the subject which does not admit
of easy explication in writing). Galileo’s manuscript survives and is
catalogued in the Filza Rinucciniana 21 of the Biblioteca Nazionale di
Firenze, but the drawings are lost. The project here presented included
an accurate analysis of Galileo’s work and was meant as an opportunity for
the students of Graphic to investigate the relationship between geometric
representation and artistic interpretation. They made scale drawings of
the Inferno, by using different paper media and drawing techniques of
their choice. Later they produced original art works resulting from a
personal artistic interpretation of the subject, free of pure scientific
representation. The results reflect various artistic and creative
sensibilities: drawings, paintings, engravings. The students’ works were
gathered, accompanied by short sentences associated with the selected
quotes of Inferno and displayed on the exhibition that was held at
Politecnico di Milano (May 2012). After the works were exhibited at the
Museo Dantesco of Ravenna (September 2013) and at the Bergamo Science
Fesstival (XI Edition, October 2013).
" Northeast Volatility Winds Effect and
it’s Forecasting " - from the section: Financial and
actuary mathematics
Andrejs Puckovs (Latvia), Andrejs Matvejevs
This paper describes volatility forecasting approach
applicable for stock indexes, allowing to reveal the instability of
financial time series initially. This approach is based on time series
(signal) decomposition into components by using wavelet filtering with
subsequent volatility evolution research in time of each signal component.
According to research, a slight increase in volatility in the
low-frequency components of the signal leads to significant disturbances
in high-frequency components destine entire signal volatility
" A Tonelli-type functional - integral
equation, via weakly Picard operators´ technique " - from
the section: Differential equations, dynamic systems and their
In the paper we consider a Tonelli-type functional -
integral quation with linear modifications of the arguments in a Banach
space. By using weakly Picard operators´ technique we obtain existence,
data dependence and comparison results for the solution.
NAVRÁTIL Vladislav
" Plastic Deformation of Cd-Zn
Alloys Single Crystals – Some Experimental Problems " -
from the section: Modeling and simulation in engineering and
scientific computations
NAVRÁTIL Vladislav (ČR), NOVOTNÁ Jiřina
The character of plastic deformation is a sensitive function
of such variables as temperature, the strain rate of deformation, the past
history of the sample, crystal size and other parameters. It is purpose of
the present work to examine the reproducibility of measurements of some
basic parameters, characterized plastic flow of metals, depending on
stress, temperature and concentration of impurities. Our investigations
proved that the stress dependence of activation area and stress
sensitivity parameter does not depend on such subjective and objective
conditions as adding or removing stress increment, or the strain rate at
which the increment or decreasing stress is realized.
" Galileo Galilei’s Location, Shape and
Size of Dante’s Inferno: An Artistic and Educational Project " -
from the section: Mathematics and art
Alessandra (I), MAGNAGHI-DELFINO Paola (I), NORANDO Tullia (I):
Mathematics and Art have a long historical relationship, which goes as far
back as the ancient Greeks. It suffices to think, for instance, to their
use of the golden ratio, regarded as an aesthetically pleasing canon and
incorporated into the design of many monuments and temples. With the
Renaissance we can see a rebirth of Classical (Greek and Roman) culture
and ideas, and among them the study of Mathematics as a relevant subject
needed to understand the nature and the arts. Two major reasons drove
Renaissance artists towards the pursuit of Mathematics. Firstly, painters
needed to figure out how to depict three-dimensional scenes on a
two-dimensional canvas. Secondly, philosophers and artists alike were
convinced that Mathematics was the true essence of the physical world so
that the entire universe, including the arts, could be explained in
geometrical terms. For instance, Galileo Galilei in his Il Saggiatore
wrote that “[The universe] is written in the language of Mathematics, and
its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric
figures.” Thus, there is a close relation between Mathematics and Fine
Arts during the Renaissance: mathematical knowledge is applied in drawings
and paintings with the use of symmetry, producing ratios and proportions.
Within the study of such a context arises the artistic and educational
project “Galileo: location, shape and size of Dante’s Inferno” as a
collaboration between the FDS Laboratory for Mathematical Education and
Science Communication at the Department of Mathematics of the Politecnico
di Milano and Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera. The project is
inspired by the first of two lectures held by Galileo Galilei at the
Accademia Fiorentina in 1588. These lectures were commissioned by the
Accademia to solve a literary controversy concerning the interpretation of
Dante’s Inferno. In these lessons Galileo took the opportunity to show his
mathematical abilities combined with his strong background in Humanities.
His ultimate aim was to show that Mathematics is not merely useful from a
technical point of view, but can also give a contribution to nobler
cultural debates, thus acquiring an intellectual status comparable to that
of the Humanities. When giving his lectures Galileo probably used
drawings to explain how to map Dante’s Inferno, because of “ la difficoltà
del suggetto che non patisce esser con la penna facilmente esplicato” (the
difficulty of the subject which does not admit of easy explication in
writing). Galileo’s manuscript survives and is catalogued in the Filza
Rinucciniana 21 of the Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze, but the drawings
are lost. The project here presented included an accurate analysis of
Galileo’s work and was meant as an opportunity for the students of Graphic
to investigate the relationship between geometric representation and
artistic interpretation. They made scale drawings of the Inferno, by using
different paper media and drawing techniques of their choice. Later they
produced original art works resulting from a personal artistic
interpretation of the subject, free of pure scientific representation. The
results reflect various artistic and creative sensibilities: drawings,
paintings, engravings. The students’ works were gathered, accompanied by
short sentences associated with the selected quotes of Inferno and
displayed on the exhibition that was held at Politecnico di Milano (May
2012). After the works were exhibited at the Museo Dantesco of Ravenna
(September 2013) and at the Bergamo Science Festival (XI Edition, October
2013). |
" “Culture of Solving Problems "
- from the section: New trends in mathematical
In the paper, Culture of Solving Problems – a tool for
evaluating pupil problem solving in mathematics – is presented and
analyzed. The Culture of Problem Solving consists of four components:
Intelligence, Creativity, Reading texts with comprehension (tested by
psychological tests), and Ability to use the existing knowledge (tested by
solution of a set of mathematical problems). The results gained using the
tool are sometimes very surprising. Deviations from the standard results
can only be explained with the help of interviews with the pupils’
teachers of mathematics. Some of the possible explanations for these
deviations are also illustrated in the paper.
PALČÁK František
" Determination of Actual Mobility of
Incorrectmechanisms Using Matrix Lie Groups " - from the
section: Algebra and geometry and their applications
Ľudovít (SR), PALČÁK František (SR):
The correct mechanism has
geometric constraints, which are enforced according their type and
computed mobility is actual. When diameters and configurations of links
and geometrical constraints cause their partial or total passivity, then
mechanism is incorrect and computed mobility is not actual. In this paper
some properties of matrix Lie groups is used for determination of actual
mobility of incorrect mechanisms.
" Creating New
“Mathematically-Sustainable”World: from the Spirograph, a Reverse Path
" - from the section: Mathematics and
Palladino Nicla (I), Pastena Nicolina (I):
The approach
to the subject of mathematic learning, represents, in the
pedagogical-educational field, a problematic situation. Nowadays we attend
to an heated discussion on the character of the basic mathematical
concepts, on the analytical-critical succession between processes and
objects. The purpose of these notes is to recover and to value the
contribution of the autopoiesis theory in the characterization of the
mathematical domain going beyond the mere reiteration, inspecting and
testing new and generative paths of ideas. In this mechanism we would
insert the use of the spirograph as a disturbing, uncertain element able
to nourish the “mind-system”.
PAUN Marius
" Numbers " - from the
section: Mathematics and art
Pythagoras saw numbers in
everything and he was right. Our Universe lays in 80 octaves of vibrations
and countless secrets. Every vibration is a number.
" Partition Problem and Analog Methods
" - from the section: Modeling and simulation in
engineering and scientific computations
Jerzy Mycka (PL), Monika
Piekarz (PL), Wojciech Rosa (PL):
In this paper we test
non-standard methods of dealing with one of the most famous NP-problems -
namely with the partition problem. We employ elements of analog
computation in two ways: first by use of the specific analog device,
second by use of numerical analysis. We compare times of computation for
some examples and reliability of obtained answers. We provide some
estimations of bounds guaranteeing the proper answer of the mentioned
methods. (by J. Mycka, M. Piekarz, W. Rosa) |
" Sequential and functional approach to
limit in education " - from the section: New trends
in mathematical education
This article compares two ways by which
notion of limit is commonly introduced, through sequences and through
functions, by educationally relevant criteria. It focuses on sequential
approach and shows how we can obtain results commonly associated with
limit of composition of functions theorem.
" Phase Merger Principle for Nonstationary
Impulse Markov Dynamical Systems " - from the section:
Differential equations, dynamic systems and their
CARKOVS Jevgenijs (LV), POLA Aija (LV):
paper deals with impulse type non-stationary dynamical systems fast
switched by step Markov process having {it m} invariant measures. We have
derived more simple Markov dynamical system in a form of ordinary
differential equation with right part switched by merger homogeneous
Markov process with $m$ states and have proved that for sufficiently fast
switching this dynamical system approximates initial system.}
" Dynamic model in advertising " -
from the section: Differential equations, dynamic systems and
their applications
The goal
of the article is to report to the reader something about dynamics in
marketing, especially in marketing comunication and advertising. We used
and estimated dynamic model with two equation, two variables and one
" Two general formulas for the sum of the
reduced harmonic series generated by n primes " - from the
section: Modeling and simulation in engineering and scientific
This contribution is a follow-up to author´s papers
dealing with sums of the reduced harmonic series generated by two, three,
and four primes. These sums were determined analytically and computed by
using CAS Maple. In this contribution two general formulas for the sum of
the reduced harmonic series generated by n primes (and more generally also
by n natural numbers) are derived and proved by mathematical induction.
These series so belong to such special types of convergent infinite
series, as geometric and telescoping series, which sums can be easy
calculated by means of a simple formula. |
" ´North-East Volatility Wind´ Effect and
its Forecasting " - from the section: Statistical
methods in technical and economic sciences and in practise
Puckovs (Latvia), Andrejs Matvejevs (Latvia):
This paper describes
volatility forecasting approach applicable for stock indexes, allowing to
reveal the instability of financial time series initially. This approach
is based on time series (signal) decomposition into components by using
wavelet filtering with subse- quent volatility evolution research in time
of each signal component. According to research, a slight increase in
volatility in the low-frequency components of the signal leads to
signif-icant disturbances in high-frequency components destine entire
signal volatility growth. |
RAGUZ Andrija
" A new methodological approach to
upgrading the statement of Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates and
implicit GDP deflators " - from the section:
Statistical methods in technical and economic sciences and in
Njavro Mato (HR), Raguž Andrija (HR), Sutalo Ivan
The purpose of this paper is to present a new methodological
approach to upgrading the statement of Gross domestic product (GDP) growth
rates and implicit GDP deflators. We construct
Lloyd-Moulton-Törnqvist-Fisher (LMTF) model which improves GDP
price-volume decomposition. LMTF supported Fisher index is also built. Our
approach preserves the product test identity. We obtain some empirical
results which show that LMTF supported Fisher index can be considered as
"ideal" in the practical applications.
RAK Josef
" Numerical Solution of a Singular Fredholm
Integral Equation of the Second Kind Describing Induction Heating
" - from the section: Modeling and simulation in
engineering and scientific computations
Problem of induction
heating can be described by an integral equation of the second kind. Its
numerical solution is based on collocation and Nyström methods. The idea
of collocation methods is to choose a finite-dimensional space of
candidate solutions (usually polynomials up to a certain degree). The
Nyström methods are based on approximation of the integral in equation by
numerical integration rule. The main aim is to show and compare both
" The role of basic geometrical
patterns " - from the section: Mathematics and
The role of basic geometrical patterns |
" Simple Automation of Syntactic Analysis
" - from the section: Modeling and simulation in
engineering and scientific computations
Zuzana (CZ):
This article is focused first on the lexical analysis
and then on the syntactic analysis and the processes connected to both of
them. Also the way of creating simple generators for the analyzers with a
given grammar is shown.
" Simple automation of syntactic analysis
" - from the section: Modeling and simulation in
engineering and scientific computations
Zuzana (CZ):
This article is focused first on the lexical analysis
and then on the syntactic analysis and the processes connected to both of
them. Also the way of creating simple generators for the analyzers with a
given grammar is shown. |
" Automated Theorem Proving Systems
" - from the section: Modeling and simulation in
engineering and scientific computations
This article describes the
process of theorem proving and number of independent experiments of
theorem provers that were run in order to evaluate the most appropriate
implementation for automated theorem proving.
" A new methodological approach to upgrading
the statement of Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates and implicit
GDP deflators " - from the section: Statistical
methods in technical and economic sciences and in practise
Mato (HR), Raguž Andrija (HR), Sutalo Ivan (HR):
The purpose of
this paper is to present a new methodological approach to upgrading the
statement of Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates and implicit GDP
deflators. We construct Lloyd-Moulton-Törnqvist-Fisher (LMTF) model which
improves GDP price-volume decomposition. LMTF supported Fisher index is
also built. Our approach preserves the product test identity. We obtain
some empirical results which show that LMTF supported Fisher index can be
considered as "ideal" in the practical applications.
" Construction and Statistical Analysis of
Zdenek Sýkora’s Lines " - from the section:
Mathematics and art
SVOBODA Martin (CZ), MAREK Jaroslav
Czech painter Zdenek Sýkora (1920 – 2011) is one of first
painters who started using the random variables as a tool for artistic
production. He used a dice for choosing parameters of curves. Later he
used a computer for simulation of those parameters. In this article a
construction of his Lines (arcs) based on solution of one geometric
problem is shown. Then we propose regression models for detection of arcs.
The main goal is to find estimators of unknown parameters of arcs and
determine random numbers formulating Zdenek Sýkora’s painting Lines No.
" Charts and atlases, a Riemannian
onlook at Picasso " - from the section: Mathematics
and art
Simultaneity of points of view is a habit for today´s
mathematicians. A poly-centric onlook seems to characterize both our ways
of imagining geometry, as in Riemannian geometry, and has characterized
much of the visual culture of the twentieth century. We will review two
paintings of Picasso in detail, drawing details seen from the same point
of view in local charts, and then assembling the charts in a global atlas
to reconstruct the immersed object. This talk is dedicated to Mauro
Francaviglia, who encouraged this research with stimulating
" Some Properties of Minkowski
Operators " - from the section: Mathematics and
Few results of investigations concerning properties of
differentiable manifolds generated as images of smooth manifolds under
various Minkowski operators will be presented. Some of these properties
are inherited from the original manifolds that are operands in the
Minkowski operators, others appear due to the properties of the generating
principles themselves. |
" Interaktivní tabule v kurzu didaktiky
matematiky pro budoucí učitele matematiky " - from the
section: New trends in mathematical education
(CZ), JANČAŘÍK Antonín (CZ):
V roce 2013 byla PedF UK v Praze
příjemcem projektu FRVŠ, jehož hlavním cílem bylo vybudovat a rozšířit
stávající technologické zázemí pro využívání moderních informačních a
komunikačních technologií v přípravě budoucích učitelů matematiky a
učitelů 1. stupně základní školy. Vybudované technické zázemí bylo využito
v řadě předmětů, jejichž obsah a způsob prezentace látky byly přizpůsobeny
novým možnostem. Článek se zabývá jedním z těchto předmětů, a sice
didaktikou matematiky, a na několika příkladech z tohoto kurzu ilustruje,
jakým způsobem se studenti seznamují s potenciálem interaktivní tabule pro
jejich budoucí výuku na školách. Ilustrace se týkají mj. tvorby a
didaktického hodnocení prezentací pro interaktivní tabule a apletů a
elektronických učebnic. Příklady dokumentují, jak je ve zmíněném kurzu
interaktivní tabule využívána nejen jako prostředek vyučování, ale také
jako prostředek učení. Stručně jsou zmíněny některé výzkumy týkající se
využití interaktivní tabule na základních a středních školách.
" Generalizaation of the
Metallic Means Family " - from the section:
Mathematics and art
As it is well known, the MMF is divided
into two subfamilies: 1) the PPMMF (Purely Periodic Continued
Fraction Expansion; 2) the PMMF.(Periodic Continued Fraction
Expansion) In the first case we have all the positive quadratic
irrationals, that are solutions of equations of the type x2- px – 1 = 0,
where p is a natural number. All of them have a purely periodic
continued fraction expansion of the type x = [n,n,...], n € N. If n =
1the solution is the well known Golden Mean ∅=1,618…. In the second
case, we consider the solutions of equations of the type x2 - x – q = 0,
where q € N. And all have a periodic (not purely) continued fraction
expansion.Applying George Odom,s idea of looking for the Golden Mean in
n-polygons and polytopes, we begun analyzing the sequence of ratios
obtained in considering spaces of higher dimenaiona and taking p and q as
real numbers.
" Implicitné riešenie diferenciálnych
rovníc " - from the section:
This paper is devoted to some aspects of
teaching ordinary differential equations of the first order, especially
properties of their solutions in implicit form and some special tools
for visualization of the obtained results, with the aid of the
programming system MATHEMATICA.
" Fibonacci Numbers of Graphs
Corresponding to a Type of Hexagonal Chains " - from the
section: Algebra and geometry and their applications
Jaroslav (CZ), ZAHRÁDKA Jaromír (CZ):
The concept of the Fibonacci
number of an undirected graph, refers to the number of subsets of such
that no two vertices in are adjacent. In this contribution a variant of
the decomposition theorem is derived. The Fibonacci numbers of graphs
corresponding to one type of hexagonal chains are calculated by using the
decomposition formula. Searching of the Fibonacci numbers of certain
classes of graphs leads to difference equations or their systems. The
Fibonacci number of hexagonal chain with linearly annelated hexagons is
found as a function of the number of hexagons in the chain.
" Two Methods of Quadratic Calibration
" - from the section: Statistical methods in
technical and economic sciences and in practise
Calibration is a
set of tasks which gives relationship between the reference device and the
calibrated device (if some special conditions are realized). This
relationship is described by the calibration function and represented by
the calibration curve. In the contribution we assume that the calibration
curve is a parabola. So we focus on the quadratic calibration. We use the
maximum likelihood method and method based on linearized
errors-in-variables model and Kenward-Rogers type approximation for
obtaining the calibration curve. Both method will be presented and
compared. Calibration process can be divided into two parts: 1) creation
of the calibration model (calibration of the device), 2) application (use)
of the calibration model (measuring by calibrated device). In the
contribution we estimate parameters of the calibration function and their
confidence region by both above mentioned methods and we also show the use
of the calibration curve in the measuring process. At the conclusion both
methods will be compared in a small simulation study. Programs used for
the simulation study are programmed in software Matlab.
" Leaving of dimension " - from
the section: Mathematics and art
Šmíd Jan (CZ), Jančařík
Antonín (CZ):
Příspěvek na téma „Opuštění dimenze“ řeší téma
dimenze a rozměru jako fenoménu prostoru a času v matematické a umělecké
(výtvarné) oblasti, zabývá se možnostmi a způsoby „opouštění dimenzích“ v
různém chápání zvolené problematiky a navrhuje způsoby, kterými danou
problematiku definovat pro možnosti aplikace do didaktiky i živé výuky
matematiky a výtvarné výchovy.
" Fractionally Integrated GARCH Approach to
Estimating Financial Time Series " - from the section:
Statistical methods in technical and economic sciences and in
This paper investigates application of the fractionally
integrated generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic
(FIGARCH) models. Fractionally integrated models are used mainly for
describing the observed persistence in the volatility of a time series.
FIGARCH models are long memory models for volatility and allow to be a
better candidate than other conditional heteroscedastic models for
modeling volatility in exchange rates, stock market returns and option
prices. The application of a FIGARCH model to exchange rate data is
discussed in experimental part. Finally, the results and further
possibilities of analysis are discussed.